Acupuncture in Grantham. Pathways Healing Health Centre in Grantham, Lincolnshire, provide expert acupuncture services to aid, support and relieve back pain, general pain, assist in IVF & infertility, migraines, and a host of other health related issues. Peter Yellup will carefully and sensitively spend time with you to assess you're condition and recommend the best course of treatment for your personal circumstances. Other therapies offerred are allergy testing, bowen therapy, massage, hopi ear candles, reflexology and botox treatments.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Massage in Grantham. Treating back pain, other pain conditions, migraines, fertility issues, arthritis, hayfever, stress, depression, anxiety and more.
Back Pain, Pain Conditions, Headaches, Hayfever, Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Addictions and more!
acupuncture in grantham, Pathways Healing Grantham, Acupuncture, Lincolnshire, Peter Yellup, Health, Healing, Massage, Tui Na, Alternative Medicine, Allergy Testing, Bowen Therapy, Botox Therapy, Hopi Ear Candles, Reflexology, acupuncture grantham, .
Pathways Healing Acupuncture Grantham is located in the Grantham area of Lincolnshire. There are at least 4 other listings in the NG31 postcode area.
Acupuncture Services in Lincolnshire NG31